Why I’ll probably not be able to work 5W0M


This is the QRM I have (S9 at least, on all bands from 17m up to 10m) during the time of the day where the propagation from 5W to ON is best.

I have identified the source of the QRM and I have filed a complaint with our authorities a few weeks ago. They sent me a letter they would investigate this as soon as possible. I hope ‘as soon as possible’ is tomorrow πŸ™‚ That would leave me 2 days to try and work them… I need 5W0M for number 297.

Writer’s block?

A lot of things have happened since my last post here but I didn’t really feel like writing anything about them lately.

A small summary:

  • we did the Region 1 SSB fieldday with the club station ON6CK/p (and came in second behind the OQ8A/p team)
  • the belgian guys conquered Rockall, congrats to the team!
  • the british guys decided not to go to Rockall. I don’t really understand the reasons, if all those who wanted to climb the Everest would have cancelled their plans because someone was there before them then only a few people would have done it. Moreover the pileups from Rockall will not be less for the second team going there than for the first one. And I still need EU189!
  • I finally ordered a new transceiver!
  • I modified my RTTY setup to do FSK instead of AFSK (with the FT990)
  • I made a portable setup to take on holiday

The last 3 of the list will probably be the subjects of some future posts!

So what makes me write this in the last hours of CQ WW SSB? I’m at the qth of my girlfriend and to tired to set up the portable station. Wedding parties are probably more tiring than 24hrs of contesting πŸ™‚ Moreover we have to leave for an other party in less than an hour.

My next contest is in 3 weeks from now… still some work to do (the 4 rotary switches problem, remember?)


Worked them with 1 call but…

not in the log…

Yesterday I spent some time in the shack because I wanted to hand out some points in the IOTA contest and in the mean time to work ST0R.

After some listening on 17m SSB I found where they listened and I worked them with one call.

Checked their online log this morning and it seems I’m not in the log {grrrrr}. Another callsign very similar to mine is in the log on 17m so I guess they must have misunderstood my callsign.

Back to the shack and try again!

Almost 16 months ago…

The Minkies ReefKristin and I are on our way back from our holiday to Jersey. While on the ferry back from the island we saw the Minkies and I realised it is way to long ago that I went on a dxpedition. As you can see on the picture taken this afternoon by Kristin, the Minkies/les Minquiers are still there πŸ™‚

More info on our activation of EU099 can be found here and here

Anyone organising a dxpedition and in need of an operator (SSB/digital)?