other (special) callsigns I used OT4BCJ, OQ5MF, OQ6A
december 2013
What do you do when the people in your club let you down? Yes, you change clubs. I’m now a member of UBA TRA!
april 2010
Time for another dxpedition! See EU099
august 2009
My antennas are finally back up the tower, time to get radioactive again!
july 2006
For personal reasons I can’t go away on holiday (or on IOTA-dxpedition) this year. Time to make an old dream come true: building my own HF-transceiver! (see radio projects)
january 2006
Lieven ON4PQ takes over the presidency of the club (THANKS Lieven!) and the need to get ‘radioactive’ again starts to rise.
july 2004
IOTA contest expedition to Little Saltee Island EU103
callsign used during the contest: EJ4F
Operators:Ian EI7CX, Kristof ON6NN, Jan EI9JN, Declan EI9HQ, Sean EI4GK, Joe EI7GY and myself
see album
july 2003
IOTA contest expedition to Ile Sainte Marguerite EU058 together with Christophe ON6NN
callsign used during the contest: F/ON5MF/P
see album
january 2002
The KTK-members choose me as their new City Manager (=president of the local club). Due to the workload this takes and because I’m having a house built, I have very little time left to operate my station.
august 2001
I change my callsign to ON5MF (you can’t imagine how tough it sometimes is to get the final ‘J’ of ON4BCJ through in SSB, especially during contests)
july 2000
IOTA contest expedition to Ile de Sein (EU068)
callsign used during the contest: F/G0MEU/P
july 1999
IOTA contest expedition to Ile de Ouessant (EU065)
callsign used during the contest: TM5K
may 1995
I pass the 10 wpm CW-test and I receive callsign ON4BCJ. I can finally access the HF-bands.
=> I soon discover the joys of contesting and I am active in most HF contests (SSB and RTTY) whether from the club station (ON6CK or OT*R) or from my own station
march 1993
I pass the exam and I receive callsign ON1FM
=> My main activity is packet radio and I become sysop of packet bbs ON0CK-5
I become a member of radioclub UBA–KTK and ON7AVB (thanks Carlos) teaches me and some other members of the club the basics for the ON1-exam (ON1-licence = only VHF and up)
+/- 1990
I bought my first (and last…) mobile CB-rig to use it when helping in the organisation of car rallies in Belgium