Via bureau please!
The UBA QSL-bureau works very well so this is by far my preferred QSL-method.
If you really can’t wait : QSL direct is also possible via
Jurgen Geldhof
Kasteelhofstraat 1
8890 Moorslede
You can call me oldfashioned but I do not QSL via E-qsl or LOTW, I like receiving and collecting good old traditional QSL-Cards! (we don’t make virtual qso’s do we?)
My actual QSL card
Photo of Saturn taken by Johan ON3JC (Tnx!)
One of my old callsigns
Special prefix in the honour of the birth op Princess Elisabeth
QSL from the expedition to EU058
Normally all direct requests have been answered, all other cards have been sent via bureau.
If you still have a contact which has not been confirmed, please let me know via email and I’ll send you the card.
Hello Jurgen, does not seem to render the actual pictures at this time …
This page must have slipped my attention, links were still broken from last time…
Tnx Jan!