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Last updated 25.2.2007

Photo album IOTA Expedition EU058 2003

Christophe ON6NN with all our gear waiting for the boat that will bring us to the island.

Four band (10-15-20-40m) quarter wave vertical made by Fritzel

Four band (10-15-20-40m) vertical (open sleeve) made by ON6NN

feed point of our VERY low 80m dipole (only about 7 m high)

Christophe and me (on the left) with the 'award' left by ON5FP and ON6NN on a former dxpedition to this island

Detailed picture of the above mentionned award.

Our operating position. Yes we operated outside for the entire expedition!

Christophe working the pileup. As you can see we had no computer logging (our biggest mistake...)